Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Take charge of your life

Don’t do it. Don’t slip into that metabolic hole. Once you stop being responsible for your own life, it’s over. You’ve started your decline. It starts early. It starts young. What to eat. What to wear. How to behave. Eventually we begin taking so many things for granted, we forget how to question anymore.

Don’t take anything for granted. Don’t listen to all the bullshit one-liners people regurgitate about marriage and relationships. You can have better than that, if you want it. Don’t listen to all the bullshit people cough up about getting old and going into decline. Do your own research. Don’t take any of that shit for granted. Don’t buy into that any aspect of your life is something that you have to live with. Don’t be some mindless automaton just putting in his time because that’s how the world works. Figure out what inspires you, figure out what you want, and start connecting. And get over your fears. You will never accomplish anything if you don’t get over your fears.

1 comment:

  1. Had some indecision on the title for this one. This post was basically a spontaneous entry. The purpose of this blog is to focus on health and wellness, which I believe cannot be separated and encompass attitude. The attitude here is about responsibility and not abdicating it.

    There's this notion in grade school that responsibility is what other people tell you to do and discipline is what they do to you when you don't listen. Some of us carry those screwed up notions with us our whole life.

    Responsibility means taking ownership of your life, and discipline means following through on that. It has nothing to do with oughts and shoulds, but it does mean living consistent with your values.
