Sunday, September 25, 2011

RBTI Week 3 Update

Not much to report in terms of improvement on any fronts. I have been eating more bread and cold cereals the past week or so. I bought them more out of ease but then realized I had a lot so just been using them.

I had my second consultation with Pippa. Verdict is I'm constipated and my liver is slightly congested. The bread and cold cereals are not helping. Interestingly I am to have a pear a day. Every once in a while I'll eat something and it will taste really good, far better than it should normally taste. I've always taken it as a signal it is something the body needs and I usually follow the craving without question. Most recently this happened with a pear.

I'm glad to get rid of the bread and boxed cereals. I am looking forward to trying more varieties of warm cereals (I'm not big on oatmeal), and having more veggies and things like brown rice and sweet potatoes. I had been relying on bread more recently on the one part to make things easy and on the other part to not be so uptight about relying on rice and sweet potatoes (although I'd found I prefer them). My opinion on the enjoyability of the diet upping the bread intake is kind of negative. I think it deserves a minimal, sideline role, at least for me.

Boxed cereals I don't see having any preferred role. Coming back to them after years off was far less than I expected. I feel like they are for convenience only.

I'm excited to see what changes following these recommendations will bring. My experience and intuition is there will be more improvements.

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