Sunday, September 18, 2011

RBTI Week 2

So I'm on my second week of RBTI. Not too much has changed from the previous week although things do seem to be improving very gradually. By that I mean almost imperceptably, although they do appear to be improving. I'm not really on the full program yet, so things may be moving along faster after that. Also, last Saturday was a stay up late party kind of evening and this one probably will be too. I don't know how much that prevents progress. It's probably highly individual.

I have finally finished the water flush and can start the lemonade. The water flush was a specific recommendation to me since sea salt and other items were shutting down my system and my ureas were really high. It felt like an awful lot of water to be getting in each day and I'm glad to be done with it. The lemonade is very similar to the Master Cleanse. Instead of spring water you use distilled and instead of maple syrup you can also use things like molasses, agave, or brown rice syrup. There is no fasting.

Body Temps
Not much change either direction here. I'm still not sure what entirely influences body temp. I had one day at 97.1 and the next at 97.9. I measure multiple times so it's not like one of them was a fluke. After a couple of measurements, you can pretty much tell what range it's hovering in. Overall temps are good, but slightly low on average.

Blood Sugar
I only measured this a couple times. Midweek was at 81 and this morning was at 91, which I really don't understand. I still prefer this to be in the low 80s, but again, perhaps I don't understand all the things that influence fasting blood sugar. I have not been measuring post-prandials.

Body Composition
Hard to say there's been much if any improvement. I still feel better wearing the skinny tees, as in less self-conscious. Fat loss appears to be very slow. I do have the desire to dump all excess belly fat, but not at the expense of my metabolism. That's why I've not consciously pursued it in the 18 months of quitting low-carb, and gaining my post-low-carb rebound weight. Muscle tone may also be decreasing. Perhaps I am not eating enough. Appetite has been low and I'm playing more into my body's queues as well now, pushing things away when I no longer feel like eating them. If this causes a severe or lasting drop in body temps, then I will force more food in, but so far it is not.

I may at some point start getting more regular exercise in. Right now it's mostly walking with the occasional push-ups or pull-ups. Basically not much exercise at all. I want the crud to continue clearing up more first and then I will spend some time figuring out what really fits with my personality.

The Crud
This seems to have gotten the most improvement in the past week. I feel like there's a base at which it's stabilized and that base is generally rising. It reminds me of something our lama said once about meditation. You can't really measure progress because life has so many hills and valleys that at any one point, it's difficult to assess past progress. Gradually, meditation fills those in and smoothes everything out and you get improvement over time. RBTI feels like it's doing something similar for the crud. And I have to say I'm feeling fairly decent lately, although the crud is still there and perceptible.

Sleep Quality
Ok, so it appears the sleep quality thing is part of adjusting to the RBTI meal patterns. Many people experience bad sleep for a week or two. I seem to be past the adjustment period and getting regular sleep now although a week ago I was not. I seem to be going to bed before 10:00 every night and waking up quite early, around 6:00 or so. This might be my natural circadian rythm, which I've suspected it to be for a long time.

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